What is Status Code 301?

Status Code 301 is an HTTP response status code that indicates a permanent redirect. When a user or search engine requests a URL that has been moved permanently, the server responds with a 301 status code and redirects the user to the new URL.

Why is Status Code 301 Important for Website?

1. SEO Benefits: It helps transfer the SEO value from the old URL to the new one, preserving search rankings.
2. User Experience: Users are automatically redirected to the new URL, reducing confusion and improving experience.
3. Link Equity: Ensures that any inbound links to the old URL are redirected to the new URL, maintaining link equity.
4. Crawl Efficiency: Helps search engine bots understand the new structure of the site, improving crawl efficiency.
5. Content Management: Simplifies content management by consolidating outdated URLs to new ones.

Benefits of Using Status Code 301

1. Preservation of Traffic: Ensures that traffic from old URLs is redirected to the new URLs, maintaining site traffic.
2. Avoids Duplicate Content: Helps avoid duplicate content issues by redirecting old URLs to new ones.
3. Improves Site Structure: Assists in restructuring the site without losing SEO value.
4. Maintains Backlink Value: Ensures that backlinks pointing to the old URL are redirected to the new URL.
5. Enhances User Trust: Provides a seamless user experience, enhancing trust and credibility.

Example about Status Code 301

Below is a generic example of how a 301 redirect can be implemented using an .htaccess file on an Apache server:

Redirect old URL to new URL
Redirect 301 /old-page.html http://www.example.com/new-page.html

In a server-side scripting language like PHP, it can be implemented as follows:

header("HTTP/1.1 301 Moved Permanently");
header("Location: http://www.example.com/new-page.html");


1. What Does Status Code 301 Mean in short?

Status Code 301 means that the requested URL has been permanently moved to a new location. The server provides the new URL, and both users and search engines are redirected to it.

2. What are common mistakes to avoid with Status Code 301?

1. Incorrect URL: Redirecting to the wrong URL.
2. Chained Redirects: Setting up multiple redirects in a chain, which can slow down page load times.
3. Non-Canonical URLs: Redirecting to non-canonical URLs can lead to confusion for search engines.
4. Not Updating Internal Links: Failing to update internal links to point directly to the new URL.
5. Ignoring HTTPS: Redirecting from HTTP to HTTP instead of HTTPS, missing out on security benefits.

3. How can I check if Status Code 301 is correctly set up on my site?

You can use tools like Google Search Console, Screaming Frog SEO Spider, or online HTTP status code checkers to verify if a 301 redirect is correctly implemented.

4. Can Status Code 301 be automated?

Yes, 301 redirects can be automated using server configurations, CMS plugins (e.g., WordPress Redirection plugin), or custom scripts.

5. How can I test the effectiveness of Status Code 301 changes on my site?

Monitor your site’s traffic, rankings, and crawl errors using tools like Google Analytics and Google Search Console. Check for any drop in traffic or increase in crawl errors after implementing 301 redirects.

6. How does Status Code 301 contribute to overall SEO strategy?

Status Code 301 helps in maintaining search engine rankings, preserving link equity, improving user experience, and avoiding duplicate content issues, all of which are crucial for a robust SEO strategy.

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